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바탕색과 글자색상비교

≫≫ 바탕색과 글색을 바꾸어 보세요!!≪≪

pogo11 @ Color Selector.

위의 색상표는 바탕색이고 아래의 색상표는 글색 입니다.
각각 클릭하면 색상이 변하며 바탕색과 글색을 비교하여 보여 줍니다.
white lightgrey silver lightslategray darkgray gray darkslategray 506070 333333 black
LightSkyBlue SkyBlue DeepSkyBlue SteelBlue DodgerBlue RoyalBlue 104E8B navy #27408B blue
#F0FFF0 #C1FFC1 palegreen yellowgreen darkseagreen seagreen darkolivegreen darkgreen 226666 green
beige khaki gold orange yellow burlywood rosybrown indianred chocolate brown
#FFE1FF LightPink pink HotPink DeepPink tomato coral magenta purple red

영어로는 어떻게 나오는지도 보세요
Background Color To extend these tables, add cells to the background
and/or the text color tables. Each cell consists of a background color only
white lightgrey silver lightslategray darkgray gray darkslategray 506070 333333 black
LightSkyBlue SkyBlue DeepSkyBlue SteelBlue DodgerBlue RoyalBlue 104E8B navy #27408B blue
#F0FFF0 #C1FFC1 palegreen yellowgreen darkseagreen seagreen darkolivegreen darkgreen 226666 green
beige khaki gold orange yellow burlywood rosybrown indianred chocolate brown
#FFE1FF LightPink pink HotPink DeepPink tomato coral magenta purple red

Copyright 2001 my.dreamwiz.com/pogo11 Lee Tae Woo. All right reserved.
For more Information,mail to pogo1@naver.com


바탕색과 글자색상비교/  - 클릭








